What is emotional freedom technique?

Emotional freedom technique (EFT), known as tapping, is a relatively new form of therapy. It was developed by Gary Craig in the 1990s. However, while Gary’s treatment may be new, it is linked to the principles of acupuncture dating back over 5,000 years and that is why it is also referred to as ‘acupuncture without the needles’.

The actual process of EFT is straightforward, combining gentle self-tapping with words and phrases designed to focus attention on the matter in hand. Once you have learned the basic principles, you can continue to practice EFT at home. It is a handy self-help tool you can turn to whenever you need it.

Although emotional freedom technique is really easy to learn, it’s also incredibly powerful. It can, for example, allow you to transform and release feelings of hurt, shame, anger and fear. Even after just a few rounds of tapping, many people find they are calmer, lighter and generally feel better. Evidence shows that the effects of EFT can be transformational and long-lasting. It’s not just a temporary feel-good process but can provide long-term relief from even well-established conditions.

How does emotional freedom technique work?

EFT works with the body’s internal energy systems. It uses gentle stimulation of the meridians used in treatments such as acupuncture, while simultaneously focussing on the current difficulty. This dual attention helps your brain process whatever might be bothering you. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), studies have observed that EFT can make significant changes in brain function.

When we are stressed, the way our brain works changes. Activity in the pre-frontal cortex (linked to memory formation and retrieval, and cognitive processing) reduces — it goes “off-line”. At the same time, activity in the amygdala increases. The amygdala is like the body’s fire-alarm, responding automatically to what it believes is a threat to us. When the amygdala becomes activated, it signals our bodies to ‘standby for action’. Our bodies then release stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) that prepare us for fight or flight.

As evidenced by FMRI scans, EFT calms the amygdala. Thus, reducing our arousal, bringing us back to a quieter, more embodied state. Because you were focussing on the issue at the same as tapping, and your body relaxed, your amygdala learns that it need not worry about setting off the ‘fire alarm’. So, the next time you encounter whatever the issue might be, it will have much less effect. Thus, emotional freedom technique can lead to a permanent change in how you respond to the original problem.

Do I need to see a therapist to use EFT?

If you are experiencing mild-to-moderate difficulties, you may well be able to use EFT on your own. However, I would not recommend using EFT as a self-help tool if you have a history of trauma or PTSD. Similarly, it may be better to work with a therapist like me if you are seeking help with a long-standing issue. If you feel unsure about using EFT on your own, please contact me. I would be delighted to support you.

EFT and Mindfulness Centre

I am a Professional Member of the EFT & Mindfulness Centre.

More Information

EFT for Animals

EFT and Animals

Animals have emotions and a meridian system just like humans. They may show their emotional problems through being disruptive, disobedient or through aggression. After the 9/11 disaster, rescue dogs went into a state of depression because they weren’t finding any live bodies. The emergency services placed “live” bodies amongst the wreckage and the dogs’ depression lifted.

When using EFT on animals it isn’t necessary for you to locate their tapping points (most are inaccessible anyway) as you can tap on yourself.

How can EFT help animals?

• Unknown fears • Physical health issues • Anxiety due to being separated, going to the vet, etc. • Known or suspected past mental or physical abuse • Known fears such as thunderstorms or fireworks • Aggression towards people and other animals • Depression • Pain relief • Relationship problems • Training problem 

Why does surrogate tapping work? 

When you focus your attention on an animal, you connect your individual energy systems together. When you then focus your attention on a specific aspect of that energy system (a problem, disease, behaviour, etc.), and you change your system by tapping on the points, you are also changing the animal’s system through that connection. Thus, you tap on yourself, but you affect the animal.

The best way to do EFT for animals

The best way to do EFT for animals is by surrogate or proxy tapping. This means you tap on yourself to make the changes happen. This has significant advantages:

• You can tap anytime, anywhere – you don’t have to be near the animal.

• You can tap often more than an animal might tolerate.

• You can tap for wild animals, animals that don’t belong to you, and animals that you may not otherwise be able to touch, such as birds and fish.

When finished with each round, take a deep breath in and out. You can continue to repeat the treatment with different statements – often something comes to mind as you do this. Different statements create different changes, so experiment with many different forms of wording and ways of saying something until you feel comfortable. For chronic physical or behavioural problems, many rounds over a period of time, exploring different aspects, may be needed.

Where do I go from here?

If you would like to talk with me about your situation, and how EFT might help you, please phone me on 07821 272655 or email me at info@soulful-healing.co.uk.

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